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Play to Earn

Tokens Allocated% of Max Supply

48% of $FOSSIL tokens max supply will be allocated for Play to Earn rewards. Players will receive some $FOSSIL tokens after winning a battle.

The reason we chose a limited supply for something that could be played unlimited times is to combat inflation. But limiting supply could possibly lead to a situation where rewards becomes 0 when all tokens have already been minted. To overcome this problem, we simply create features that requires burning of $FOSSIL.

As defined in Tokenomics Overview. There are multiple features that require burning your $FOSSIL,

  • Leveling up Dinosaurs
  • Reviving Dinosaurs
  • Breeding Dinosaurs
  • Archeological Excavations

Burned tokens will be allocated back to the Play to Earn token pool to replenish the pool.

Thresholding Mechanism

However, even with a burning mechanism, we are still anticipating a case where tokens are not being burned as fast as they are minted, causing the same problem of no token left to mint.

To combat this problem, we borrow a part of this concept from our forefather Bitcoin called Halving where mining rewards are halved for every n number of blocks.

However, since we have a burning system, the mint rate would eventually be a lot slower than the burn rate if the rewards keep being halved. Therefore, we adjust the Halving system to fit our usecase. Instead of halving every n number of blocks, we have dynamic reward calculation based on the amount of circulating tokens.

(numbers are not final, just for visualization purposes)

Tokens in circulationBattle Rewards

This way, if we have 4 million tokens in circulation, players will receive 5 $FOSSIL per win, and if the circulating supply rises to 6 million tokens, players would get 2.5 $FOSSIL per win. But if a lot of players are suddenly leveling up their Dinosaurs (burning some $FOSSIL) and reducing the circulating supply back to 4.5 million tokens, the reward per win would be back to 5 $FOSSIL.

We designed this mechanism with these things in mind:

  • Inflation resistance
  • Incentive to the community for spending the tokens